Monday, October 08, 2007

It strikes me as unjust to speak of ‘The American Army,' or ‘American Government,' or ‘Americans' when what's actually meant is the United States. After all, Argentina is no less a part of America than the United States, but Argentina has nothing to do with the U.S. government or its machinations. Instead I use the term ‘U$er.' The term U$er is better than ‘American' because it's
clear we are not talking about Cubans, who aren't any less American than U$ers, nor frankly are we talking about U$ citizens who have no real say in their lives or their government, which is the majority of us. All we are talking about is U$ers: those who support and/or profit by the current reign of criminals.
The main characteristic of U$ers is their attitude toward the rest of the world. It is there, they say, for them to USE. Some of them pompously wonder if they are perhaps they are Using too much of it too fast, and soon there may be less for them to USE. People and other living things that they have no USE for, they kill without even a second thought, as they have for 400 years.
U$ers wring their hands that all their killing and U$ing might be affecting them psychologically, that their nightmares might stop them from a long future of U$ing, which they see as their birthright. It never occurs to them that their killing might have done damage to those they killed. It also never occurs to them that those they killed might have relatives who would want revenge. U$ers have no use for revenge, unless it is their own, and so they declare it meaningless. U$ers are surprised when anyone fights back.
U$ers have the most and best weapons in the world, and because of this they think they are safe. Anytime they feel insecure, they buy more weapons or bomb a city, and it makes them feel powerful. But actually they are weak and stupid and increasingly isolated in the world.
U$ers imagine that remaining ignorant makes them innocent of their crimes. After all, if they were just following their leaders and doing what they saw everyone else doing, then how could they be wrong? To a U$er, there is no difference between doing what is right and obeying authority. If you tell a U$er that this ‘morality' is the morality of lynch mobs and Nazis, the U$er will be insulted and either try to lynch you too, if the U$er has the guts, or (more likely) they will report you as a troublemaker. Being reported as a troublemaker means the criminal authorities might drag you away to be tortured. But take heart. There is infinitely more honor in being tortured and killed by the U$ers than in joining them.

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