Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Secret Prisons

The Washington Post carries a story this morning about a network of secret prisons the CIA is operating in 8 foreign countries, in 'cooperation' with the intelligence services of other countries.

A trans-global network of black operations spooks, above the law in any country, with their own network of torture chambers: that's what the 'War on Terror' is all about, on the top levels.

It's ironic they have chosen a 'Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe,' a site presumably used for internment and interrogation (read abduction, torture, murder) of enemies of the State under Communism. It must feel really interesting to American government employees (some of whom must have known George Sr. personally) to torture people in the same very rooms where the KGB used to torture people. For that matter, I'd bet the compound is actually a site used for the same purpose by Hitler. After all, why would the Soviets have built a new one with so many left lying around?

Ever since The Butcher assumed the presidency, he has struck me as the American Hitler: the political embodiment of Nationalistic demons, the ugly side of a culture. He embodies the very worst of the Plantation culture, the Victorian Militarist culture, and the West Texan bush-wack oil bandito culture. He speaks for the very worst Americans, on their very worst days, pursuing their very worst ideas, with a lot of borrowed money.

Do the Republicans think they are going to get away with this? I mean the actual, individual people who vote Republican and give them money. Do they glibly imagine that nothing and no one is going to hold them responsible for what they have done to our country?

I think it is possible with a little research to find out exactly who these people are, and exactly how they thought they might profit from helping turn the US into a Fascist Police State. These stories should be written, with the names named and the addresses noted. These people should be exposed for what they are: a conspiracy to undermine the US Constitution.

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